House of Joy Hoofddorp

Select your language

Were you born in another country? Then House of Joy is for you! You can meet new friends there, improve your language skills and we can help each other, if needed. Click here for a nice video about us!

We are open every Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The address is: IJweg 1100 in Hoofddorp. You can read how to find us on this page.

We usually have about 25 people: muslims and christians, women and men, migrants and Dutch people. When you come in, we welcome you. Then, you get coffee, tea, or water. There are always plenty of people to talk to. You may come alone of with the whole family. Childcare is available. We start eating at about 5:30 p.m. It's all for free!

Do you have a question about the use of your laptop? Bring it with you! Most of the time, there is someone who can help you.

From 6:30 p.m. until 7.15 p.m. there is a Dutch class, in which you can participate.

Dutch lessons

Every week at half past six in the evening the Dutch lessons start. There is a group for beginners and a group for advanced students. For the beginners, today's lesson is about body parts, brushing teeth and combing hair. Just watch the video!


Read more in our blog

Would you like to know more about our activities and see a few pictures? Find out more in our blog!